[packman] phonon-vlc-qt5/qt6 dependencies are unable to be fulfilled because they need vlc 3.0.21

Markus Kohm markus.kohm at gmx.de
Mon Jun 17 09:17:38 CEST 2024

Am Samstag, 15. Juni 2024, 20:07:54 MESZ schrieb Omega:
> Since yesterday's openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshot (20240613) release,
> *phonon-vlc-qt5-0.12.0-2.3.x86_64* and *phonon-vlc-qt6-0.12.0-2.3.x86_64*
> dependencies cannot be fulfilled because they require *vlc = 3.0.21* and
> *vlc-noX-3.0.21-1.1.x86_64* respectively, but in the packman repo, only
> versions of 3.0.20 are available as of now.

OpenSUSE urgently updated VLC because of a critical vulnerability closed in 
3.0.21. Packman update of vlc is outstanding. So you have currently the 
choice: Either switch to the openSUSE version of all vlc packages or don't 
open mms streams via vlc until packman has updated or go the risk.

→ https://www.videolan.org/security/sb-vlc3021.html

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