[packman] NA Mirrors

Marc Schiffbauer marc at links2linux.de
Mon Jul 22 14:04:07 CEST 2024

* Collin MacDonald schrieb am 19.07.24 um 22:54 Uhr:
> Hi! 👋

Hi Collin,

> I was watching this YouTube video,
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir9ujC1BLfY> and the creator mentioned
> that there aren't any Packman mirrors in the NA region. I'm hoping to find
> out more about what getting that set up might entail as it could greatly
> improve the experience for NA users. Any insight would be appreciated.

Sounds good!

You would need a Server with static IP(v4/v6) and enough space to mirror 
the repo. If thats the case then please drop me an email and we make you 
driving a primary mirror.


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