[packman] Kodi 21.0 Omega - Update against sound issues on Leap

Masaru Nomiya nomiya at lake.dti.ne.jp
Tue Apr 30 02:15:10 CEST 2024


In the Message; 

  Subject    : [packman] Kodi 21.0 Omega - Update against sound issues on Leap
  Message-ID : <20240429115933.GA8509 at saturn.hollstein.homelinux.org>
  Date & Time: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 13:59:33 +0200

[MH] == Manfred Hollstein <manfred.h at gmx.net> has written:

MH>  Hi there,

MH>  Kodi apparently has issues on Leap when both, PulseAudio and Pipewire,
MH>  are installed. The reason is that Leap does not install
MH>  pipewire-pulseaudio, leaving Kodi assuming it should use Pipewire as its
MH>  audio backend - unfortunately, this does not produce any sound at all :-(

MH>  We have therefore extended the /usr/bin/kodi script to detect, if the
MH>  installation is kind of broken:

MH>    # Work around a possibly broken installation of pipewire on openSUSE Leap
MH>    # see 'https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1222636'
MH>    if [ -x ${prefix}/bin/pulseaudio ] &&
MH>       [ -x ${prefix}/bin/pipewire ] &&
MH>       [ ! -x ${prefix}/bin/pipewire-pulse ]; then
MH>      ENV_ARGS="--audio-backend=pulseaudio"
MH>    fi

MH>  This means that a default installation of Leap 15.5 or 15.6 will cause
MH>  kodi to add "--audio-backend=pulseaudio" by itself. Please note, you can
MH>  still override this by adding your own preference by adding one of the
MH>  following yourself:

MH>      --audio-backend=<backend> Select which audio backend to use.
MH>                            Available audio backends are: alsa, pipewire, pulseaudio, alsa+pulseaudio

MH>  This will take priority over an implicitly added option for pulseaudio.

I have two questions about what is written here.

1. If pipewire-pulseaudio is not installed, then there should be a lot
  of sound-related problems?

  As I mentioned before, there are apps that use pulseaudio rather
  than pipewire.

2. Under the current situation of the sound related apps, wouldn't it
  be correct to encourage the installation of pipewire-pulseaudio?

Best Regards.

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