[packman] Kodi stop launching

Masaru Nomiya nomiya at lake.dti.ne.jp
Mon Apr 15 12:57:21 CEST 2024


Are you a maintainer, Manfred?


In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [packman] Kodi stop launching
  Message-ID : <Zh0AXvWGSqMRsVxQ at saturn.hollstein.homelinux.org>
  Date & Time: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 12:24:30 +0200

[MH] == Manfred Hollstein <manfred.h at gmx.net> has written:

TK>>>  Do you know what might be wrong with the upgrade?
MN>  > What's the result of 'rpm -q libass9"?

MH>  on Leap 15.5 libass9 must be installed from the same repository as kodi.
MH>  Please take a look at the following thread

The error message Thomas got was related to libass9. I checked and
found that libass9 was updated on April 6, but I thought Thomas might
not have updated it, so I asked him about it.

MH>  It may happen that your audio won't work afterwards; this is caused by a
MH>  missing package "pipewire-pulseaudio" which doesn't get installed on
MH>  Leap by default. I have documented all the potential caveats in the
MH>  above thread.

I'm sorry, but I can't understand what you are trying to say.
I thought libass had nothing to do with audio.

Besides, I am a Tumbleweed user.

Best Regards & Good Night.

┏━━┓彡 野宮  賢                             mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛  "Distinguish between what is meaningful to me and what is meaningless,
	  and forget what is meaningless to me. This is where individuality comes
	  into play. This is a function that computer cannot perform."
                                            -- Shigehiko Toyama (in Japanes) --

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