[packman] TW20230129: unmet dependecies on VLC and MPlayer

Masaru Nomiya nomiya at galaxy.dti.ne.jp
Wed Feb 1 08:16:14 CET 2023


In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [packman] TW20230129: unmet dependecies on VLC and MPlayer
  Message-ID : <12144493.O9o76ZdvQC at kumiko>
  Date & Time: Wed, 01 Feb 2023 07:10:31 +0100

[MH] == Mathias Homann <Mathias.Homann at opensuse.org> has written:

MH>>>  I guess vlc and mplayer need to be rebuilt?
MN>> Rebuilding does not change the situation.
MN>> So your solution is to install libBasicUsageEnvironment.so.1.

MH>  no. the proper solution would be a MPlayer that does not require 
MH>  libBasicUsageEnvironment.so.1()(64bit) as this library is not available in 
MH>  current TW anymore, by rebuilding it like vlc-noX just was.

Recently, I built vlc 3.0.18 on 20 January following the release of
live555 on 19 January, but vlc-nox still requires

The  live555 is only as of 19 January.

MPlayer is a static build, but I built it in a way that is compatible
with libBasicUsageEnvironment2.


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