[packman] Conflicts (Suse Leap 15.3)

Masaru Nomiya nomiya at galaxy.dti.ne.jp
Fri Mar 4 00:40:10 CET 2022


In the Message; 

  Subject    : [packman] Conflicts (Suse Leap 15.3)
  Message-ID : <754ad6b4-0109-96a7-c56b-b78422706384 at gmx.net>
  Date & Time: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 07:20:00 +0100

[DS] == Dirk Schröder <dirkschroeder3 at gmx.net> has written:

DS>  Überprüfung auf Dateikonflikte läuft:
DS>  ..........................................................................[Fehler]
DS>  33 Dateikonflikte festgestellt:

DS>  File /usr/bin/aviocat
DS>    from install of
DS>       ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (packman)
DS>    conflicts with file from package
DS>       ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

DS>  File /usr/bin/cws2fws
DS>    from install of
DS>       ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (packman)
DS>    conflicts with file from package
DS>       ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)
DS>  File /usr/share/man/man1/ffprobe.1.gz
DS>    from install of
DS>       ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (packman)
DS>    conflicts with file from package
DS>       ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

Können Sie sagen, welche Anwendung Sie zu installieren versuchen und
welche diese Konfliktmeldung auslöst?

Läuft es auf MYTHTV?


┏━━┓彡   Masaru Nomiya             mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛ "This is a violation by the Russian government with the support of
	 Belarus," Bach stressed, asking for understanding that "neither the
	 Russian people, nor the athletes, nor the ROC are responsible."

	 "So who elected Putin as President, Bach, you say?")

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