[packman] [wish]Epson xp-7100, imagescan and its plugins

Philippe ROUBACH philippe.roubach at free.fr
Sun Nov 7 10:53:36 CET 2021


the Epson XP-7100 is a combo printer-scanner

You supply iscan and its plugins for openSuse 15.3
Iscan does not recognize the xp-7100.

For xp-7100 we need imagescan and its plugins "network scan", "V3 OCR engine", 
"v3 gt-s650 Interpreter" 

We can only found those for 15.2 not for 15.3 at


If we install the plugins "network scan" then this does not appears in Yast 
scanner manager or in imagescan where we don't find any settings to share the 

If we install the plugins "OCR" then this does not appears in imagescan where 
we don't find any option for OCR.

The service ecbd does not start when imagescan driver searches the scanner 
then fails to found the scanner. We can't setup the service ecbd to start at 
PC startup. Yast servcie manager refuses it.

Please supply Imagescan and its plugins for 15.3 for xp-7100


Philippe ROUBACH

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