[packman] Freezing aMule

Maciej Pilichowski bantu at poczta.fm
Sat Nov 6 17:42:27 CET 2021


  Currently I am running openSUSE Leap 15.3 with aMule but this problem was 
present in older version and also in packages in other distro as 

  Some time after starting aMule there is message like:
GLib-CRITICAL **: 18:35:18.143: Source ID 30075 was not found when 
attempting to remove it

at this point window is no longer refreshed, it is not responsive, and 
amule starts eating all memory.

This problem was reported some time ago, for example:

However in this report:

reporter also wrote the package from Ubuntu 21.04 works fine. So far I 
don't know what was done to this package, but I can confirm this one 
indeed works without problems, I created simple docker image and I am 
testing it for almost a month, no issues at all.

I don't know if you can take a peek or contact Ubuntu maintainer of 
this package what was done there, it could be beneficial to openSUSE 
package for sure.

Kind regards,

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