[packman] HandBrake on Leap 15.3 does not produce hearable audio tracks

Manfred Hollstein manfred.h at gmx.net
Sun May 30 13:41:23 CEST 2021

Hi there,

On Sun, 30 May 2021, 11:36:06 +0200, Manfred Hollstein wrote:
> [...]
> All these elements exist only in the file produced on 15.2. Will compare
> the presets between both worlds, but I presume some elements are missing
> in the 15.3 version.

Reloaded the predefined presets on 15.3, then compared file
~/.config/ghb/presets.json with the file from 15.2 and did not find any

My final attempt now is to use one of the official presets:

  Matroska->H.264 MKV 1080p30

without any local modification. If that doesn't work, too, I'd say
HandBrake on 15.3 is broken!

Result: it *is* broken. The audio channel which got added automatically
is there logically, but does not have any content:

  "DURATION: 00:00:00,000000000"

Adding the AC-3 input channel to get passed through results in sound
which can be heard! Looks to me that sound which gets touched/modified
by ffmpeg-4.4 does not work in HandBrake!


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