[packman] Avidemux

Edgar Aichinger edogawa at aon.at
Wed Mar 17 11:18:36 CET 2021


Am Montag, 15. März 2021, 12:55:27 CET schrieb Spielmops:
> I just updated my Opensuse Leap from 15.1 to 15.2 and noticed, that I 
> have Avidemux with version 2.7.6 from Packman installed.. This version 
> is no longer available from Packman but the outdated version 2.5.6. Does 
> anyone knows the reason, why the newer version is no longer on Packman?

If I understand your situation correctly, it is like this:

1. avidemux versions > 2.5.6 are being packaged as a different package avidemux3 (currently at 2.7.8)
see https://pmbs.links2linux.de/package/show/Multimedia/avidemux3[1]

2. since the recent server migration packman's main mirror inode.at is inaccessible with 403, and the other mirrors seem to be unable to sync everything correctly
I've switched my zypper repo url from inode  to gwgd, and still miss quite some packages.
From http://packman.links2linux.org/mirrors[2] you can browse all the mirrors and see what's available, but I haven't found avidemux3 in those I looked at (except the taiwan one which keeps older package versions of everything, but doesn't show a recent avidemux3)

On my TW system, I still see avidemux3 built february 7th,  and it's shown as orphaned (no repo containing it or update candidates).

As I'm only user and casual packager for packman I cannot really help with any of this...

Cheers, Edgar

> Hartmut

[1] https://pmbs.links2linux.de/package/show/Multimedia/avidemux3
[2] http://packman.links2linux.org/mirrors
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