[packman] Cannot play online video in Firefox after ffmpeg/libav update

Wolfgang Bauer wbauer at tmo.at
Mon Jul 20 11:07:34 CEST 2020

Am Montag, 20. Juli 2020, 09:24:57 schrieb Dave Plater:
> PMBS was down for more than a week.

That's not the reason for this problem though.

As I wrote in another mail:
Firefox doesn't support libavcodec58_91 yet, an update to fix that is already 
on the way to Tumbleweed:

This is not a Packman-specific problem though, libavcodec58 has been 
dropped/updated in Tumbleweed in general.

Another workaround for now would be to install libavcodec57 from Packman, 
Firefox would use this if it finds it.

Kind Regards,

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