[packman] ffmpeg and libav* packages: cannot solve dependencies

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Mon Jul 20 11:04:07 CEST 2020

Am Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2020, 08:55:55 schrieb Guo Yunhe:
> I found that the package libavcodec58 was renamed to libavcode58_91. But no
> "Provides:" and "Obsoletes:" was added to the new package. This in result
> cause people cannot update the package smoothly.

libavcodec58 and libavcodec58_91 can be installed at the same time, that's the 
whole point of the "rename".
They are not compatible though (the actual reason for that "rename"), so a 
Provides/Obsoletes would be wrong.

The actual problem here was that Packman had the update earlier than 
Tumbleweed, so zypper asked to switch libavcodec58 back to the version from 
the standard repo (because it was no longer available in Packman).

This should be "fixed" since Friday's Tumbleweed snapshot though, which did 
contain the ffmpeg/libavcodec update as well.

Kind Regards,

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