[packman] Gstreamer ugly and bad for 15.2

Bjørn Lie bjorn.lie at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 16:53:01 CEST 2020

to., juli 2, 2020 at 07:53 skrev Olaf Hering <olaf at aepfle.de> følgende:
> The question is: why is it a hard requirement anyway? I think there 
> is the libav package. What are the benefits of bad+ugly?
> Olaf

They are not a hard req no - they are however upstreams "prefered" 
encoders/decoders for things like DTS, h264 and h265. Further when 
googling for howtos, they are the toplisted ones.

We should allow our endusers to use whatever plugins they prefer, just 
because the gst-libav package exists as an alternative, does not mean
that we should only provide that one.

In any case, this discussion is now moot, as after I did the subs (that 
did get acked into staging), the "normal" bad and ugly packages got 
for 15.2 anyway. Dr's for the new alternative packages in staging were 
filed and acked, so they are now gone.


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