[packman] [opensuse-buildservice] broken builds due to "interconnect error: rpc timeout" with PMBS

Hans-Peter Jansen hpj at urpla.net
Sun Feb 23 17:30:21 CET 2020

Am Montag, 6. Januar 2020, 16:32:50 CET schrieb Stefan Botter:
> Hi Pete,
> On Sonntag, 5. Januar 2020 11:24:43 CET Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> > Dear Stefan,
> > 
> > Reminder: issue still pending.
> I know ..
> I have not forgotten, but due to holidays relatively few spare time.

Thank you very much, Stefan. 

All green again!

A minor glitch appears in log/scheduler_x86_64.log, still:

2020-02-23 16:26:14: [2675]  waiting for an event...
response from watcher for https://pmbs-api.links2linux.de/public
400 remote error: document element must be 'events', was 'html'
retrying in 60 seconds
2020-02-23 16:26:37: [2675]  waiting for an event...
retrying watcher for https://pmbs-api.links2linux.de/public
setting up watcher for https://pmbs-api.links2linux.de/public, start=2484189
2020-02-23 16:27:37: [2675]  waiting for an event...
response from watcher for https://api.opensuse.org/public
setting up watcher for https://api.opensuse.org/public, start=205983183
2020-02-23 16:27:42: [2675]  waiting for an event...

but it seems to not harm anywhere.

You're my man of the week!


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