[packman] opensuse tumbleweed amule

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Mon Dec 14 13:24:34 CET 2020

Am Samstag, 12. Dezember 2020, 23:53:22 schrieb Pedro Martín:
> The reference package requires libupnp.16, this package has been updated by
> the Tumbleweed team to libupnp.17. Is it possible to make a new amule
> package with this libupnp.17 library?

AFAICS, aMule fails to build with the latest libupnp currently.

It seems it was fixed upstream by this commit though:

So apparently somebody would just need to add that patch to the package, or 
update it to later git snapshots.

Kind Regards,

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