[packman] Asking help from any Maintainers of QMPlay2 media player

James McCoy spaceknight2 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 14 18:48:05 CET 2019

My email is not about anything broken or outdated. I love QMPlay2 - just 
wanted to ask a few minor questions.

1. I am trying to get permission to start either a Facebook page or a 
Google groups devoted to QMPlay2. Can you help?
2. I do not know if it is possible to play DVD through QMPlay2. I can 
play music CD. Can you help?
3. Will there ever again be a repository/PPA for Linux/Ubuntu users of 
QMPlay2 like in the past? There was on Launchpad.
Last...  is there a IRC chat or channel devoted to QMPlay2 and its users???

Thanks in advance.
James, Indiana/USA

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