[packman] Kodi Leia PVR Addons: Fail to build due to an error in a tarball in a tarball...

Manfred Hollstein manfred.h at gmx.net
Fri Jan 18 09:35:06 CET 2019

On Fri, 18 Jan 2019, 07:54:20 +0100, Dave Plater wrote:
> On 1/17/19, Manfred Hollstein <manfred.h at gmx.net> wrote:
> > [...]
> > which would then #include <bits/types.h> for the missing types? Don't
> > know, though, where the #define for 'la_ssize_t' and 'la_int64_t' should
> > then come from, but that is probably the usual configure trickery.
> >
> > How is such a file in a tarball in a tarball supposed to be patched? Or,
> > how is the first tarball generated?
> >
> With great difficulty, you have go past the %cmake stage after which
> all the sources are unpacked in the right places and then make your
> patch using diff. There are two patches applied at that stage atm.

thanks for your explanation, Dave! Yes, I found it myself in the
meantime.  Unfortunately, the small change I had in mind doesn't help :(
So, I'm looking for a proper change.

> Regards
> Dave


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