[packman] mythtv-backend packaging issue (minor)
Jon Nelson
jnelson at jamponi.net
Tue Mar 6 15:05:37 CET 2018
Greetings! I've found that the logrotate file that ships with mythtv-
backend wants to place old log files into /var/log/mythtv/old, however,
this directory has not been added to the packaging (presumably it's
missing a %dir entry). This prevents logrotate from running to
Thank you (all of you!) for your hard work! If there is any more
information you need or assistance I can provide, please let me know.
Details are below:
localhost:~ # systemctl status logrotate
● logrotate.service - Rotate log files
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/logrotate.service; static;
vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2018-03-06 07:52:55
CST; 5min ago Docs: man:logrotate(8)
Process: 7130 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
(code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)Main PID: 7130 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Mar 06 07:52:54 b570 systemd[1]: Starting Rotate log files...
Mar 06 07:52:55 b570 logrotate[7130]: error: mythtv:20 error verifying
olddir path /var/log/mythtv/old: No such file or directoryMar 06 07:52:55 b570 logrotate[7130]: error: found error in file
mythtv, skippingMar 06 07:52:55 b570 systemd[1]: logrotate.service: Main process exited,
code=exited, status=1/FAILUREMar 06 07:52:55 b570 systemd[1]: Failed to start Rotate log files.
Mar 06 07:52:55 b570 systemd[1]: logrotate.service: Unit entered
failed state.Mar 06 07:52:55 b570 systemd[1]: logrotate.service: Failed with result
'exit-code'.localhost:~ # rpm -qf /var/log/mythtv
localhost:~ # rpm -V mythtv-backend
localhost:~ #
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