[packman] MPlayer-1.2.r38008 requires libx264.so.148, but only libx264-152 exist

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Mon Apr 23 11:35:40 CEST 2018

Am Samstag, 21. April 2018, 22:27:24 schrieb opensuse.lietuviu.kalba:
> Can not install MPlayer-1.2.r38008 because it requires libx264-148
> (libx264.so.148), that does not exist in repository.

And what distribution are you using?

It does require libx264.so.152 here on 42.3:
$ rpm -q --requires MPlayer|grep x264
(that's 1.2.r38008-1.7, installed on Mar 23rd, and that's also what's in the 
repo currently)

What does "zypper se -s MPlayer" say?

Kind Regards,

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