[packman] qmmp 1.2 no longer plays mp3 files

Frank Steiner fsteiner-mail1 at bio.ifi.lmu.de
Tue Nov 28 09:23:35 CET 2017


just upgraded from qmmp 1.1.12 to 1.2 and it stopped playing mp3 files.

Indeed, libmad.so and some others have vanished from /usr/lib64/qmmp/Input/
and are no longer part of libqmmp-plugins.

Am I missing some other package or did sth. go wrong with the build
of qmmp 1.2?


Dipl.-Inform. Frank Steiner   Web:  http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/~steiner/
Lehrstuhl f. Bioinformatik    Mail: http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/~steiner/m/
LMU, Amalienstr. 17           Phone: +49 89 2180-4049
80333 Muenchen, Germany       Fax:   +49 89 2180-99-4049
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