[packman] Multimedia:kodi broken by ffmpeg 3.4

Andrei Dziahel develop7 at develop7.info
Sun Nov 19 12:57:08 CET 2017

Hi list,

It seems I'm affected (2 installations, actually) by
https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/56065, which results in Kodi being
unable to play video (see ffmpeg errors at
http://paste.opensuse.org/21bc2ea5 starting L558). Is there any way to
rebuild it with previous ffmpeg, or embedded ffmpeg, or whatever?

UPD: Oh, I see, we seem to have no ffmpeg < 3.4 headers whatsoever.
All right, since updating ffmpeg introduces so much breakage, can we
possibly make it, I don't know, a multiversion package?

Thank you in advance.
Andrei Dziahel

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