[packman] [PM] kodi 17.3-1.1 (openSUSE_Leap 42.2/x86_64)

Sagi Ben-Akiva sagiben at gmail.com
Tue May 30 05:39:52 CEST 2017


Currently 17.3 is the latest version from. Kodi developers.
It might be that the crash is related to the reason they released those
versions so quickly.


You might want to run Kodi with '--debug' parameter in order to get more
detailed log.


On May 29, 2017 11:39, "Bas van Rijn" <b.v.rijn at gmail.com> wrote:


I am running OpenSuse leap 42.2 64 bits.
With Kodi 17.1 all my addons were working fine. With the update to 17.2 and
17.3 kodi crashes when I try to install addons.
For instance I tried to install superrepo radio stations (NL Radio).
Installing the zip file created a crash. And no logging to be found in

Are you planning to upgrade the currect kodi version?

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