[packman] Missing libdvdnav-x86_64-linux.so for kodi-17.0-3.1.x86_64

David Walker David at WalkerStreet.info
Wed Mar 1 04:50:15 CET 2017


It works for me.  I already had the ffmpeg packages from Packman, so
that wasn't a problem for me.



On 02/28/2017 12:56 PM, Sagi Ben-Akiva wrote:
> Hi,
> I updated kodi package in my home project with the changes needed to
> play DVD at the following link :
> https://pmbs.links2linux.de/package/show/home:sagiben/kodi
> I've tested the fix on my PC but would like to get some feedback
> before merging the changes to Multimedia project.
> With this fix, in order to play DVD one should install ffmpeg
> packages, i.e. libavcodec, libavdevice, libavfilter, etc. from packman
> repositories and not from openSUSE repositories.
> The problem was that while packaging latest Kodi version I noticed
> that Kodi requires some libdvd* packages, which are also part of it's
> source code. We prefer to use prebuilt packages from packman or OBS
> instead of rebuilding them from source, but in this case Kodi
> developers made a lot of changes to those packages which currently
> still not accepted by libdvd* developers, which means that we need to
> build them from Kodi source repositories.
> Sagi.
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 9:46 PM, Sagi Ben-Akiva <sagiben at gmail.com
> <mailto:sagiben at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I'm working on a fix.
>     Sagi.
>     On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 2:15 AM, David Walker
>     <dwalker at internet2.edu <mailto:dwalker at internet2.edu>> wrote:
>         Thanks for packaging Kodi Krypton!  I've been waiting.
>         I've had one problem, though; I can't play DVD .iso files.  It
>         seems
>         there's a missing dependency.  Here's the log message:
>             15:38:52.647 T:139619446286080 ERROR: Unable to load
>         /usr/lib64/kodi/system/players/VideoPlayer/libdvdnav-x86_64-linux.so,
>             reason:
>         /usr/lib64/kodi/system/players/VideoPlayer/libdvdnav-x86_64-linux.so:
>             cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>         David Walker
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