[packman] http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/packman/ mirror

Marc Schiffbauer marc at links2linux.de
Tue Dec 5 23:41:48 CET 2017

* Peter Linnell schrieb am 15.11.17 um 00:37 Uhr:
> mirror  http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/packman/ seems to have gone
> snoozing - not been updated from "master" since 2017-10-02 -- I doubt
> this is an issue on the packman end, but I suppose someone from the
> packman team should complain to the ftp-admin of that mirror

I will have a look, thanks for the report.

0xCA3E7BF67F979BE5 - F7FB 78F7 7CC3 79F6 DF07
                     6E9E CA3E 7BF6 7F97 9BE5

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