[packman] New packages for packman (Walter Fey)

Pascal Bleser pascal.bleser at opensuse.org
Thu Aug 3 02:04:45 CEST 2017

2017-08-02 10:08 GMT+02:00  <martin at pluskal.org>:
> As Richard explained, this might be a bit dangerous adventure for
> packman.

I think we got the threatening message at this point.

> Apart from that I would say that motivation for moving to
> packman is a bit weak


> my understanding is that move is motivated by hurt feelings after
> discussion about copyright attribution with OP, and
> by his opposition against including hamradio/sdr stuff in Factory and
> Leap.

Yes, clearly, there is no other reason to have those packages at
Packman rather than OBS.

> This would basically go against most of recent efforts to move
> everything that is possible/allowed to OBS/Leap/Factory and would put


> additional load on packman's resources, which are much more scarce than
> those of OBS.


Couldn't agree more.

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