[packman] [PM] transcode 1.1.7-2.3 (openSUSE_Leap 42.1/x86_64)

Dave Plater davejplater at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 12:29:13 CET 2016

I'll look into this during the week.

On 10/30/16, pit <P.Suetterlin at royac.iac.es> wrote:
>   Hi,
> I am converting DVDs to TS streams for VDR.  One step is conversion of the
> AC3 audio track to stereo mp2.
> I am using transcode from the Multimdia repository for Leap 42.1
> This fails if the output file contains special characters, because the
> spawned command is not properly escaped (on the input side it is!)
> Here's the snippet of the code:
> TITLE="19_Angriff_der_Aliens_(2)"
> VSCALE=2.082
> transcode -i "${TITLE}.ac3" -o "${TITLE}.mp2" -x null,ac3 -y null,mp2 -s
> transcode v1.1.7 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2010 Transcode Team
> ....
> [transcode] V: auto-probing     | 19_Angriff_der_Aliens_(2).ac3 (OK)
> [transcode] V: import format    | (null) in AC3 (module=null)
> [transcode] A: auto-probing     | 19_Angriff_der_Aliens_(2).ac3 (OK)
> [transcode] A: import format    | AC3 in AC3 (module=ac3)
> .....
> [import_ac3.so] AC3->PCM
> [import_ac3.so] tcextract -a 0 -i "19_Angriff_der_Aliens_(2).ac3" -x ac3 -d
> 0 | tcdecode -x ac3 -d 0 -s 1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 -A 0
> [export_mp2.so] ffmpeg -y -f s16le -ac 2 -ar 48000 -i - -ab 128k -ar 48000
> -f mp2 19_Angriff_der_Aliens_(2).mp2.mpa >/dev/null 2>&1
> sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
> The import thread properly protects the () by placing the filename in "".
> export_mp2 does not, and the command fails
> --
> Dr. Peter "Pit" Suetterlin                 http://www.astro.su.se/~pit
> Institute for Solar Physics
> Tel.: +34 922 405 590  (Spain)             P.Suetterlin at royac.iac.es
>       +46 8 5537 8559  (Sweden)            Peter.Suetterlin at astro.su.se
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