[packman] OpenSuse 42.1 missing k3b codecs

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Nov 30 19:36:34 CET 2016

Am Dienstag, 29. November 2016, 09:20:19 schrieb Luigi Baldoni:
> Sorry to intrude, but may I also add there is no way to erase or overwrite
> a rewritable medium using k3b? I have to rely on brasero every time.


There is a button to erase a rewritable medium in the toolbar and the function 
is available via the menu ("Extras"), and k3b should even ask whether it 
should erase it if it detects that you want to burn to a full rewritable 
medium (there's even an option to do that automatically without asking).

Kind Regards,

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