[packman] armv7 multimedia not updated since 2015

Guillaume Gardet guillaume.gardet at free.fr
Fri Nov 18 09:40:44 CET 2016

Le 13/11/2016 à 18:22, Olaf Hering a écrit :
> On Thu, Nov 10, Guillaume Gardet wrote:
>> So, it may be due to never ending builds. I will try to set-up new ARM
>> workers for packman on my side. Let's see if with more ARM workers it
>> gets better.
> I wonder how this should be handled in the long run.
> Essentials+Multimedia have ~700 packages targeted for armv7l. Even if we
> manage to disable 10% of the packages because they are not useful on
> armv7l (or %arm in general), the remaining ~600 packages will take a
> very long time to build. Perhaps *_ARM should be set to block=local, or
> whatever OBS scheduling strategy makes sense.

I think rebuild block=local is not a good idea. OBS did it for Factory:ARM repo and there are lots of problems with deps.

Since I re-enabled one of my ARM workers, it seems to be better. ;)


> Olaf

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