[packman] Spring cleaning

Luigi Baldoni aloisio at gmx.com
Mon May 9 15:10:13 CEST 2016

Olaf Hering <olaf at ...> writes:

> > I suggest the following changes:
> > 
> > link graphics/darktable to Multimedia/darktable
> Last time I looked at this failed pkg the spec file or sources had
> significant differences. This has to be checked with the maintainers of
> the pkg.

That means Detlef. Is he still active?

> > link KDE:Extra/coin to Extra/coin
> >   (again, nothing seems to depend on it)
> python-pivy, FreeCAD and SoQt need Coin. Perhaps the two packages should
> be synced and later _linked.

My bad. I also just saw it builds a git snapshot, so really a different thing.

I guess that leaves just darktable.

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