[packman] Missing dependency with the update to Chromium 50 in Leap

stakanov at freenet.de stakanov at freenet.de
Thu May 5 05:52:41 CEST 2016

Apparently the ffmpeg plugin needs an update as leap complains about a missing dependency. 

#### YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2016-05-04 18:39:16 ####

chromium-ffmpeg-50.0.2661.75-44.1.x86_64 richiede chromium = 50.0.2661.75, ma non è possibile fornire questa richiesta.

    [ ] interrompere chromium-ffmpeg-50.0.2661.75-44.1.x86_64 ignorandone alcune dipendenze

    [ ] Disinstallazione di chromium-ffmpeg-50.0.2661.75-44.1.x86_64

    [ ] non installare patch:openSUSE-2016-539-1.noarch

#### YaST2 conflicts list END ###

Have a good day. 


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