[packman] vlc broken

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Jul 15 11:20:18 CEST 2016

Am Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2016, 13:25:02 schrieb Christian:
> Does some someone see the same ?

No, vlc works fine here, and I haven't heard of such a problem either.

With "vlc menu" you mean the right-click context menu? Or the general menu at 
the top of the window?

What desktop are you using?
If KDE, do you have some special window rules in place, or other window 
specific settings?

Try a fresh user account and see whether it works there.
Or maybe try a different video output device and/or disable "Accelerated video 
output (Overlay)".

And what vlc version is this actually about?
The stable 2.2.4, or the 3.0 beta?

> Or is there already a fix as work in progress ?

As there doesn't seem to be a (general) issue, I guess not. ;-)

Kind Regards,

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