[packman] internal server error in Multimedia repo

Olaf Hering olaf at aepfle.de
Mon Aug 8 08:35:43 CEST 2016

On Tue, Sep 15, Stefan Botter wrote:

> Hi Marcus,
> On Mon, 14 Sep 2015 10:43:54 +0200
> Marcus Hüwe <suse-tux at gmx.de> wrote:
> > Hmm probably the request uri is too large, but in this case I/osc
> > expects status code 414 instead of 500.
> You are right, it seems the URI is too long. Is there a way to extend
> the limit somewhere?
> PMBS runs openSUSE 13.2 and OBS 2.6.4.

Since last week Essentials is broken as well.
The script below counts down from 409 to to 404 pkgs for Essentials, and
from 524 to 391 for Multimedia.

prjs="Essentials Multimedia"
mkdir $$
cd $_
for prj in $prjs
  pbs co -u $prj
  cd $_
  pbs up -u
  for pkg in *
    ls -1d * | wc -l
    echo $pkg
    sed -i "/\"$pkg\"/d" .osc/_packages
    rm -rf $pkg
    pbs up -u && break

Would it work for OBS?! 'obs ls devel:languages:perl | wc -l'

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