[packman] Bugs

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Oct 16 16:08:55 CEST 2015

Am Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015, 00:20:09 schrieb Artur Łącki:
> After last update I've found bugs in two programs from your repo.
> First: Kodi fails with segmentation fault after launch.

Probably related to this problem:

A "fixed" pulseaudio package should be available in the update repo meanwhile, 
and there's a workaround mentioned in the bug report too (changing the 
pulseaudio config).

> Second: In VLC after switching to fullscreen at down of screen is black
> bar which hides subtitles and film. Also mouse cursor disappear after
> moving to film area.

That's an incompatibility with Qt 5.5 (or actually a bug in the latter it 
Enable "Use a custom skin" in VLC's settings to work around it.

Kind Regards,

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