[packman] Repository name

Olaf Hering olaf at aepfle.de
Fri Oct 2 17:42:53 CEST 2015

On Fri, Sep 18, Luigi Baldoni wrote:

>   Hello,
> sorry if this seems like nitpicking, but shouldn't the new repository be
> named openSUSE 42.1?
> The new release won't be 42.0 after all.

Right now the repository name is "openSUSE_42". And just like SLE_11 and
SLE_12 I would expect users to use "the latest" because the basesystem
is supposed to be compatible. If however it turns out that 42.1 and
whatever comes after it is different enough we may beed separate
repositories for both code branches.

But whatever the final repository name in PMBS will be, at some point we
should start to publish Leap. I think that requires manual interaction.


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