[packman] kdenlive crashes

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Wed May 13 18:00:12 CEST 2015

Am Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2015, 16:21:12 schrieb Olaf Hering:
> > There's nothing Packman specific at all in the package's specfile.
> I think the package links against the interesting other packages:
> libmlt, ffmpeg and others.  If they change the kdenlive package provided
> by the released version will not work anymore.

Kdenlive only builds/links against libmlt.
The latter is/has to be built against ffmpeg for full codec support.

> Since the culprit seems to be libmlt in this case (Qt5 vs. Qt4) the
> Factory kdenlive should be changed to be build the same way as libmlt.

The Factory kdenlive (15.04.x) does build against Qt5, like libmlt does (on 

> Right now kdenlive.spec is just broken. Does anyone know why they insist
> on Qt5?

Nothing is "broken".

Kdenlive 15.04 is the new port to KDE Frameworks5, that's why it builds 
against (and uses) KF5 and Qt5.
See also https://kdenlive.org/node/9433, in particular: "Since we are now 
based on Qt5/KF5, you NEED KDE Frameworks 5 to run Kdenlive."

It is not possible to build it for/against KDE4/Qt4 any more, the last KDE4 
based version is 0.9.10.
And it is not possible to build the KDE4 based 0.9.10 against KF5/Qt5 either.

Kind Regards,

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