[packman] A Unified Cinelerra -- HV & CV

Dmitriy Perlow dap at open.by
Thu Mar 26 19:13:19 CET 2015

Terje J. Hanssen <terje at nordland-teknikk.no>  Thu, 26 Mar 2015 01:54:05  

> Hi list,
> Would it be possible for packman to build rpm packages for openSUSE for  
> the new Unified Cinelerra  -- HV & CV,  where  many features that have  
> been on the community network version are merged into the current into  
> Cinelerra-4.6.mod. ?
> http://cinelerra.org/2015/index.php/2015-03-03-21-28-12/newsletter
> The cinelerra.org has .txz binaries download for Ubuntu, CentOS, Redhat  
> and Open SUSE and a script for building from source on-line in the  
> download and developer area
> http://cinelerra.org/2015/index.php/2014-11-19-00-57-12/cinelerra
> http://cinelerra.org/2015/index.php/develop
> Rgds,
> Terje J. Hanssen


If there are no sources available there will not be a packman package. So  
the only I could do is to update current package from CV git.

Best regards,
Dmitriy DA(P).DarkneSS Perlow @ Linux x64

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