[packman] where did smplayer2 go?

Dmitriy Perlow dap at open.by
Sun Mar 22 08:28:05 CET 2015

Martin Herkt <9 at cirno.systems>  Sat, 21 Mar 2015 18:16:03 +0300:

>> > Yes - so far I know. smplayer now can use MPlayer mplayer2 and mpv as
>> > backend, so here is no need to have smplayer2, which was a frontend  
>> for
>> > mplayer2. Current default is mpv - if not overwritten by an local  
>> config
>> > file.
> As the maintainer of SMPlayer2 (which is now dead and will not be  
> revived) and
> someone who is more or less involved with mpv development, I have to  
> actively
> discourage from using SMPlayer with mpv, and I think it is a really bad  
> move
> to make it the default player backend.
> Support for mpv is so bad it actually succeeds in making the experience  
> worse
> than with MPlayer.

I was afraid I was the only person with the same experience. Now I fell  
myself free enough to resolve it ;)

Best regards,
Dmitriy DA(P).DarkneSS Perlow @ Linux x64

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