[packman] Kodi movie scanner not working

Fabian Scheler fabian.scheler at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 15:33:01 CEST 2015

Hi all,

finally, I was able to fix up this issue in my Kodi setup [?]

I spotted the following line in my kodi.log:

GetResumeItemOffset - Cannot open VideoDatabase

And this line showed the track to the actual problem - in some way the
movie database was messed up, so I simply removed it and now kodi created a
new one and finally scans my movies!

Ciao, Fabian

2015-06-14 19:53 GMT+02:00 Fabian Scheler <fabian.scheler at gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> I am currently using kodi 14.2 (package kodi-14.2-2.6.x86_64.rpm for
> openSUSE 13.2) and I am experiencing the following problem:
> - I add a directory as source for movie files
> - I set the content (movie files) and choose "The Movie Database" as
> scraper
> - I acknowledge the dialogue to scan the directory for movies
> The process of scanning the directory then finishes almost immediately
> and finds no movies (however, there are plenty of them in the
> directory). And whenever I set the content of the directory again, the
> dialogue tells me that there is no content type set for this
> directory. So I have the feeling that setting the content just does
> not work.
> Could anyone here confirm this behaviour? I am asking on the
> packman-list first, because maybe this is a build-specific issue and I
> was not able to find similar problem descriptions for kodi so far.
> Thanks for reading!
> CIao, Fabiang

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