[packman] "Who are you?"

Dmitriy Perlow dap at open.by
Thu Jun 11 18:01:25 CEST 2015

Amarildo Santini JĂșnior <amarildojunior at riseup.net>  Thu, 11 Jun 2015  
02:16:06 +0300:

> Hello,
> I am Amarildo, from Brazil. I'm a long-timer Linux user, I use Arch  
> Linux and
> Debian at the moment. However, both them are disappointing me in regards  
> to
> the AMD video drivers, so I'll have to move to another distro soon  
> because I
> need good drivers to work with 3D modeling and GPU rendering in Blender.
> I love openSUSE, it has an amazing KDE integration and AMD support, but I
> never used it much because I don't trust it's 3rd party repositories. I  
> don't
> mean to offend you guys in any way, shape or form, it's just that I  
> don't know
> who's behind Packman, I don't know if there are security audits on the
> packages you build, and because of that I never really used openSUSE that
> much, even though it would be easily on my Top list of Linux distros.
> I think overall your packages are high quality and I really would like  
> to use
> your repositories, but I'm (literally) paranoid and if I don't see a good
> reason to trust your packages I might have to back to Windows, and I was
> hoping you guys could help me out on this one.

Enjoy maintainers, build configs, sources and logs here:  
https://pmbs.links2linux.de ;)

Best regards,
Dmitriy DA(P).DarkneSS Perlow @ Linux x64

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