[packman] Mame armv7l build error

Stefan Botter jsj at jsj.dyndns.org
Wed Jan 14 08:08:08 CET 2015

Hi Philipp.

On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:34:07 +0100
Philipp Seiler <p.seiler at linuxmail.org> wrote:
> But nethertheless what can I do to get mame build on server side? It
> is still in scheduling state while xbmc/kodi built for sereval times.

At least this I can answer:
mame has a _contraints file, which requires a worker with at least 2 GB
RAM, and 10 GB disk space. The latter is most probably provided, but
the 2GB RAM on the armv7l workers are simply not there.
I do not know if one can make the contraints architecture-dependent,
if so, the build service docs do not contain that information. If
possible, we would have to lower the RAM constraint for armv7l, but
then again, I am not sure if the workers are even set up with a
build-type providing the constraints (everything else as chroot).

It might be that we simply do not have the right workers to build mame.
That and kodi/xbmc seem to be the most demanding packages ATM, with
kodi taking approx. 8 hours per build.


Stefan Botter zu Hause
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