[packman] Moving xmms from Essentials somewhere else

Marguerite Su i at marguerite.su
Thu Dec 31 11:33:26 CET 2015

Hi, Stefan,

On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 2:17 AM, Tomáš Chvátal <tomas.chvatal at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Okay, I will move them too tomorrow.
>> BTW, we have a repository named "R.I.P", how about moving xmms and all its
>> dependencies there?
>> That's almost the same as removal, but specfile, patches can be preserved.
> That should be enough I guess. :)

Can you please rename the "R.I.P." project to something easy to type
like "Dropped" and give me permissions for it?

I found R.I.P. had no package and only one user.

So I can't throw xmms, gtk1, glib1 there.


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