[packman] mplayer2 state/removal

David Haller dnh at opensuse.org
Sat Dec 19 12:30:43 CET 2015


On Fri, 18 Dec 2015, Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
>How would you feel if we removed mplayer2 from packman. It ceased
>developement in 2013 so it is much safer bet if you move to mpv or back to
>mplayer. Sticking to mplayer2 is not the best bet for the future... :)

As mplayer2 doesn't even contain mencoder, I wouldn't care one bit.
I always thought it a bit presumptous, that the fork called itself

Just my 2¢,

>Das deutsche [Maut-]System funktioniert auch hervorragend. ... Leider
>funktioniert nur die Tarnung als Mautsystem nicht.    -- L. Donnerhacke
Dumme Sache, wenn man die eigentliche Aufgabe zwar hinbekommt, aber dann
die Tarnung verschlampt.                                 -- A. Schreiber

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