[packman] Suggestion: Compile VLC against Qt4

Olaf Hering olaf at aepfle.de
Fri Dec 4 08:03:04 CET 2015

On Thu, Dec 03, S. wrote:

> Here's the submit request:
> https://pmbs.links2linux.de/request/show/2266

vlc in packman (PMBS) is a _link to the opensuse buildservice (OBS).
Sources are maintained in OBS, and changes done there will show up
immediately in PMBS. If I would accept this request anyway in PMBS the
result is a _link+patch in Essentials/vlc. Once there is another change
for vlc in OBS the pkg in PMBS will get into failed state because the
patch will most likely not apply anymore. To avoid this, branch vlc in
OBS and submit it there. Since vlc is in Factory a simple 'osc bco vlc'
will work. Then chdir into the vlc dir and run 'osc up -u' to avoid a
bug in the current osc.rpm.

Also there are style issues with the SR. Most of the changes should have
an entry in the .changes entry. 'osc vc' within the vlc dir will open an
editor. Mention the change and refer to fixed bugzilla bugs like
'(bsc#123456)'. There are most likely guides about pkg submissions on


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