[packman] polipo upgraded from 1.0.4 to 1.1.0

Dmitriy Perlow dap at open.by
Sun May 11 21:25:28 CEST 2014

Dmitriy Perlow  Sun, 11 May 2014 22:18:12 +0300:

> Hello!
> It seems that polipo was moved to server:http repo:  
> https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?project=server%3Ahttp&package=polipo
> Here it is a how to install link:  
> http://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=server%3Ahttp&package=polipo

Sorry. Already answered.

Best regards,
Dmitriy DA(P).DarkneSS Perlow @ Linux x64

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