[packman] PackMan package for libopenshot & libopenshot-audio

Jonathan Thomas jonathan at openshot.org
Wed Jul 16 23:19:27 CEST 2014

Greetings PackMan Team! I am the lead developer of OpenShot Video Editor,
and am hard at work on our newest version, which requires 2 new libraries
that are not yet packaged on PackMan.

I have successfully packaged these libraries on the openSUSE Build Service,
but I'm pretty sure they violate the OBS rules (since they depend on FFmpeg
/ LibAV, etc...).

Here are the packages on OBS:

I would love to have these packages included in PackMan, and could really
use some advice and help to make that happen. Please let me know how to
proceed, or who I can contact to start the process of getting these 2
packages into PackMan.

Thanks in advance!

-Jonathan Thomas
*OpenShot Video Editor*
*http://www.openshot.org <http://www.openshot.org>*

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