[packman] libxine2-1.2.3 breaks DVB audio

Hartmut spieluhr at ewetel.net
Sat Feb 15 19:32:18 CET 2014

I propose this plea!


Am 15.02.2014 12:42, schrieb Olaf Meltzer:
> * Manfred Tremmel schrieb:
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 00:27:21 +0100
>> From: Manfred Tremmel <manfred at links2linux.de>
>> To: packman at links2linux.de
>> Subject: Re: [packman] libxine2-1.2.3 breaks DVB audio
>> Message-ID: <4027689.qldLpdS0eF at d620>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> [...]
>> I think so. The xine-ui doesn't integrate in modern uis, kaffeine
>> for KDE3 was great, especially as DVB-Viewer, but KDE3-times are
>> over. Kaffeine for KDE4 never reached the functionality or
>> usability of it's predecessor and last release was years ago, the
>> homepage is broken for some times, I don't think there is any
>> active developments. Other frontends don't show much live, the
>> overview of http://www.xine-project.org/releases links to a lot of
>> dead projects. xine isn't dead, but it isn't realy alive, I think.
>> Other video players/frameworks like vlc, the gstreamer framework or
>> xbmc have made the race.
> Oh no! Please do not drop Kaffeine3. It is my prefered DVB-T/S Viewer
> and Recorder -- even under KDE4. It works fine with a few KDE3
> dependencies.
>> Kaffeine for KDE4 still is a comfortable DVB player, XBMC is usually
>> run full screen and needs a lot of configuration done for DVB.
>> Kaffeine is straightforwarded and lightweight. It would be sad if
>> it died. And using VLC for DVB is a pain in the *ss.
> Kaffeine for KDE4 is far away from Kaffeine3's comfort.
> And please don't drop xine-ui as well.
> Gruß -- Olaf Meltzer
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