[packman] Certificate on PMBS

Johannes Obermayr johannesobermayr at gmx.de
Sat Aug 2 14:55:39 CEST 2014

Am Samstag, 2. August 2014, 13:10:26 schrieb Jörg Lorenzen:
> Hi Packman admins,
> I think there is a problem with the digital certificate on 
> https://pmbs.links2linux.de/,
> since some days I get the following error message with Firefox: 
> (Errorcode: sec_error_untrusted_issuer).
> With Chromium I get the following message: The website's security 
> certificate is not trusted.
> Ignoring this message only works with Chromium, there is no way to 
> continue with Firefox.
> Greetings,
> Jörg

Are ca-certificates{,cacert,mozilla} packages installed?

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