[packman] vlc-codecs cannot be installed because of missing dependency

Christian Trippe ctrippe at opensuse.org
Wed Sep 11 07:08:52 CEST 2013

Hi Stefan,

first thanks for your reply and sorry for breaking the thread as I missed to 
say, that I am not subscribed and only saw the other on the mailing list 
archive. So please copy me on replies.

>On Sat, 07 Sep 2013 10:23:12 +0200
>Christian Trippe <ctrippe at opensuse.org> wrote:
>> trying to update vlc-codecs from packman from openSUSE 12.3
>> Essentials repo fails since some time because of missing
>> libva.so.1(VA_API_0.33.0)(64bit)
>Meanwhile the vlc packages have been automatically rebuilt several
>times, so vlc-codecs-2.0.8a-154.12.x86_64 is not available anymore, but
>vlc-codecs-2.0.8a-158.2.x86_64 is, and it is installable on my machine.
>The libva.so should come from openSUSE (or the update repo).

This update also appeared for me but did not fix the problem.

And I have libva.so installed. But this only provides

christian at asterix:~> rpm -q --provides libva1
libva1 = 1.1.0-6.1.1
libva1(x86-64) = 1.1.0-6.1.1


vlc codecs requires

christian at asterix:~> zypper if --requires vlc-codecs | grep va
Codecs that are not available in a stock openSUSE distribution.

And the last one s not provided by libv.a1

>If you still have problems installing vlc-codecs, please try to use a
>different mirror.

It does not work with the gwdg-mirror for me.



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