[packman] nvidia-settings

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Sep 6 13:07:45 CEST 2013

Am Freitag, 6. September 2013, 10:36:34 schrieb Ys:

> Nope,  running that command on my system shows this:
> (without nvidia-settings installed)
> i5150pc at Animus30:~> nvidia-settings
> If 'nvidia-settings' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to
> lookup the package that contains it, like this: cnf nvidia-settings
> and running directly:
> i5150pc at Animus30:~> /usr/bin/nvidia-settings
> bash: /usr/bin/nvidia-settings: No such file or directory
I guess that's after you uninstalled nvidia-settings, right?

Well, that is one aspect of the problem:
If you freshly install the nvidia driver, you _will_ have nvidia-settings.
If you then install nvidia-settings, the driver's version gets overwritten and 
is gone.
If you uninstall nvidia-settings again, the binary (/usr/bin/nvidia-settings) 
gets removed, although it originally was installed together with the driver.

Try to run "rpm -V x11-video-nvidiaG03" and you will get messages about 
missing files. (provided you installed the driver using the rpm)

Or try to reinstall the driver _without_ installing the package "nvidia-
settings". You should be able to run nvidia-settings nonetheless.

Kind regards,

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