[packman] nvidia-settings

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Sep 6 02:23:26 CEST 2013

Am Freitag, 30. August 2013, 13:30:00 schrieb Ys:
> nvidia-settings works well with 319.xx, do you want a -legacy package?
No. That doesn't make sense.
Again, nvidia-settings _is_ included even with the legacy driver.

# rpm -qlp x11-video-nvidiaG01-173.14.37-21.1.i586.rpm

> I honestly don't understand the point of installing nvidia-settings and
> not installing the driver alongside it
Of course there is no point.
And if you do install the driver, you already _have_ nvidia-settings, no need 
to install that package as well...
That's what I already said a few times.

> > - It replaces files of the original driver with (maybe) incompatible
> > versions.
> No, not what I've seen
Then have a look:
# rpm -qlp x11-video-nvidiaG03-319.32-15.1.i586.rpm

# rpm -qlp nvidia-settings-325.15-1.3.i586.rpm 

Do you believe me now? ;)

Kind regards,

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